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Y Thursday, November 8, 2007

dam that guy whu nearly bang into mi and still think he is right.. arsehole.

10:17 PM

Y Friday, September 14, 2007

Today is the release of the exam result... and i am so happy over my result...
and here are my result...


was so happy that my ELECTRIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS & MEASUREMENT (ECAM) was able to pass and get B summore.. cos i wrote rubbish in the final exam paper and was expecting to fail it.. was surprise that i manage to pass n get a B summore omg... so frens hw did u guys did? tag or pm me k? tyty

7:46 AM

Y Sunday, July 15, 2007

well well after so long... i;m back..
seem bz for me as sch work are stackin more n more yet i am nt tryin hard to complete it

anyway last fri which was july 6: sch ended at 5pm den wait in sch for elvin to come over to pick mi up. n guess i waited till wat time? i waited to 6.30pm!!! omg he took 1 n a half 1/2 to pick mi up. cos he lost his way -.-" after that me, li n elvin went over to aloha loyang chalet. thomas hafin his ROM the next day so went over to help.

sat: thomas big day! was bz frm all the way frm mrn till the time when the thing starts. makin n arrange every thing frm table/chair to deco of place. den went hm arnd 12plus after everything was clear up. den went hm took van den went to meet aod,bong and nood at parklane den went over to newton circles for supper den went hm.

sun: went for billard wif edwin at bugis after that went to geylang for 1 round of durains! n yes durains! yummy. den after that shop arnd geylang for 2nd hand hp but nuthin much.den went to SGH to fetch his sis. after that went back to geylang for 2nd round of durains! n this time wif more pple, me,edwin,fion, fion's bro, bernise and yuanling. well do think 2 round is enough? well of cos not! there is 3rd round which i buy durains home for my family to eat. yummy!!!

den this 5days in sch i shall nt say much. sch r everyday the same to me ^^.

fri the 13!!! : went to sch but sch ended earli instead of 5 it ended at 2.30 so went hm after sch. den went to cityhall mrt to meet my maple guild frens den went to marina sq to watch movie! harry potter! well the show is nt as gd as i expect sigh. den after that went for dinner den went hm took van and head dwn to egames which is opps parklane. went there for fiz bday lan party.lol.left at 2am like that den send nood hm. after that me,fiz n aod went yishun mac for supper den send fiz hm after that den went hm

sat: ruchin of sch work day. lots of dead lines next week

4:13 PM

Y Tuesday, July 3, 2007

hohoho i'm back to update my blog after so long...

well got back my CT paper last week was quite happy wif my result i guess
ECAM : 67/100
EMD : 92/ 100

shall say wat i did during my weekends

fri: went out in the evenin to meet my maple guild mates went for dinner n movie! transformers is a must watch movie! it real gd! den after movie sum things happen which make us wait frm cathay to sum whr after far east. omg i can say its realli tiring. after that walk back to the mac near lido for breakfast den took cab home.

sat: went out in the night after mum came back. drove the van dwn to funan to meet my peeps.
send elmo n gang to VD den we went thomson for supper after supper went dwn to VD to meet dem had a little dance n went home

sun: stayed home n mahjong

11:32 PM

Y Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Very Happy Happy 21sf Birthday to both Veron(june 23)and charlene(june 24)!

didnt blog since the start of my holiday bah i guess. any way here i am to update wat i did during my 2 weeks holiday which gng to end soon.

first week of holiday was mostly resting at home getting back the sleep i lack during my papers.

n my programs starts comin in on sat night.

sat night went to yishun to fetch aod den to geylang to pick up bong den head over to marine parade to pick up ka den went to lavender to pick up akito. see i so gd went 1/4 of s'pore to pick up my frens for supper. went over to lao pa sat for supper den went over to boat quay to find ahmi n co as they are drinkin over there. den after that wanted to go eat dao hua(dunno hw to spell) but den its close already so send dem hm 1 by 1 n head hm.

den sun met ailin n her fren over at hougang at noon den head down to a church called heart of god church which is behind singpost. went there for redrain concert. i must say the 3 hour concert is really gd. met some new frens over there. they are quite frenly too. but most of dem or i shall say all of dem are younger den me? lol after corcert went for dinner at singpost den took bus n head down to the long staircase at marina square. arnd 50+ or more of the church pple are already dere went we reach? den kana pull by dem to play games. quite interesting. after that head back home was real tired.

mon - wed stayed at home n chiong game wif bong lol.

thur wanted to do sch work. but i think i slack more den i do bah den night wait for my mum to come hm cos wan use van mah den went to fetch bong den went dwn to songka. fiz's grandma pass away sigh. stayed till 3 den fetch bong hm n went back hm.

fri went out in the evening head down to pc bunk to meet my guild pple went to taka's seoul garden for dinner den went back hm. went hm take van n mahjong den went back dwn to songka again. stay dere till 6am den fetch ka hm n went back hm.

sat evening will be gng over to veron bday party which is over at her hse. after that gng to head over to charlene hse. she also hafin her bday celebration. but is a mini 1. cos they gng mos after that. think shall be followin in them if there is nuthin important or i dun feel tired.

8:10 AM

Y Monday, June 11, 2007

time nw:0101 hrs

didnt blog for veri veri long as was bz preparing for my common test wish ended on wed.

guess i will fail 1 of the paper as i onli spend half a day studyin it. been spendin most of the time studyin another paper. sigh.

anyway its nw holiday. can take a 2 weeks break let the result bother me when sch reopen bah =x.

common test end on wed evening. den went hm to gain back the slp that i loss during those few days i spend studyin.

thur : stayed at hm whole day guess slp too much ended up too nua to go any whr.

fri : went to sch in the mornin for PCN quiz. score arnd 7/10 den after that went for PCN xta lesson till 1 den went hm slp. in the night drove out to meet my maple guild frens went bugis to play pool. den went to yishun to fetch aod to bugis for supper. in the end we ended up at mac for breakfast! shiok. 4.30 in the mrn haf a hot mac breakfast yummy. after that went hm. rch hm arnd 6.30am.. bath n slp.

sat : woke up in the noon. went to get rdy den went dwn to meet elvin at 2.15pm as he came over to fetch me. den went over to hougang to fetch li. den off we went to ECP as we are invited to my station bbq. stay dere frm 3pm till arnd 10. lots n lots of yummy foods n its so great to be out wif them. been a long time didnt go out wif dem as a rota. mostly went back awhile to visit dem den go hm. den left the bbq at arnd 10 den went to marina square for movie. went to watch Spider Lillies. the yang chen ling R21 show. not realli veri nice. whole show was quite boring for me.

today sun : stay at hm n slp..

1:00 AM

Y Wednesday, May 30, 2007

finally can blog at hm.

Fri 25th May

went hm to slp as wat i said in the post b4. den wake up in the evenin had my dinner , wash up and wait 4 mum to come home.dam sian she always so late come home 1. end up i also go out late. but den wat to do wan use her van. cos i dun 1 waste money take cab. anyway wait till 11pm n shes hm. den went to fetch dan frm his hse den went down to parklane to meet aod,his gf, ahmi and bong. den went to to serangoon garden to have our supper. stay there till arnd 2.30am den send aod,his gf n dan home den went hm.

Sat 26th May

woke up in the afternoon. den was suppose to meet the gers at amk interchange to go over to julia hse. but den edwin called mi to wait for him. den wait till 3 den went dwn to meet him. den went to buy satay den went to julia's hse to help her abit wif her bday deco. stay over her party till arnd 10.30 den went back hm. went hm took a shower n change den went dwn meet edwin. went to bugis to play billard den dan,bong and meh came over n find me. after the game edwin went back hm while we went over geylang and had our supper. i realli hate the traffic at geylang. so many cars at night n so hard to find parkin zz.

Sun 27th May

woke up by a miss call frm elvin. went to shower den meet him dwnstair my blk cos he dunno hw to go over to li hse. den he drive his car while i drive my van to li hse. li yr face super big hor 2 car went to fetch u lol. after that went to amk hub to meet thomas. had our lunch at amk hub the foodcourt dere. den went to buy some food den went back to my fire station wif dem to pay the rest a visit. stay till arnd 5pm den went back hm.

Mon 28th May

sch start at 11 for me and end at 3 shiok. cos no prac frm 9 - 11 and 3 - 5 cos its make up lab. den went hm to slp dunno y sun n mon so tired slp the whole day already.

Tue 29th May

sch start at 1pm and end at 5. finally get to finish my VI xta question! happy.

Wed 30th May

just rch hm frm sch n here blogging. sch start at 9. and was gng thur past year paper so just keep copyin the solution dwn. den afternoon pcn lesson was so dry and boring. every 1 seem nt to be listening just hopin the class faster end.
hmm think shall be gng to take a nap dunno night gng out anot. need to start study soon CT is just next week!

5:04 PM